Monday, May 3, 2010

My Lord Crossed Barriers

Want to go to temple
need to talk to God
Has so much to discuss
to complain to applaud

with this thought
I came a little far
that saw in front of me
shutting down those doors

They were blocking the way
the way between me and my God
Ohh this is bad Omen
What happened
Don't you want to talk with me lord

Some one suddenly yanked
the corner of my dress
pulled it little hard
hello !! ma'am
you don't have these flowers

For real prayer
these are the ones
which are required
I stared at him
looked him with anger
Cant you see
I am not able to reach God
Cant you see the barrier

But what i saw
was innocent smile
It melted me down
I asked for the cost
and Bought what ever flowers
I could afford

The kid jumped
and laughed a lot
did I find my God then
Or how else do you feel
such an eternal bliss

then i could realize
My lord actually crossed
barriers , just to
Meet Me :-)